Oct 15, 2010

Every Body is Beautiful

A few months ago I was talking with a friend about skinny jeans and whether or not I could wear them considering my body type. We were both talking about how we can wear this, but not that because of this, and of course because of that. At one point, this friend of mine remembered that she had read a book called, The Science of Sexy by fashion designer Bradley Bayou.
Now of course, don't click to look inside:) That was the only picture I could find, so it's just a little addition I guess we can say. Anyway, I would seriously recommend getting this book from the library or even buy it because it was so helpful! It was even really fun reading through.

The whole idea is this, Bradley takes the average 48 different body types and tells you what types of things to stay away from and what excentuates your true beauty. It's brilliant! For me, I found out that those knee high boots make my 5'3 (1/3 of course) frame look even shorter. But, I can pull off some other things that I wasn't really aware of. So really, it was fun to read. I even called up my Mom and told her the "do's and don'ts" of her tall and slender figure. He really breaks it down so that you are not put into one category that you really aren't in. To be honest here, often I am put into a certain category because I am 5'4". But that doesn't mean I am going to wear size 4. I actually wear size 8 or 10 because this girl is "bootylicious" for more modern terms. Yet, I wear a size small for tops. (Talk about being vulnerable today:) That's not really pointed out in the magazines because then you would have to talk about all the other different shapes and sizes when looking for "The Perfect Jeans". So this book was actually really helpful, and also a lot of fun to read.

Just wanted to leave you with this thought. Bradley says in this book that every time he has a woman in for a fitting, they always point out certain parts of their bodies that they want hidden or changed. He says they point out "flaws" within 5 minutes of their fitting. Yet, we look at these women thinking they are incredibly beautiful and flawless. Every woman is insecure in some way or another. But every woman is incredibly beautiful. Let's make sure to tell each other this k ladies?

You're beautiful.
Yep, that's my two cents for the day.


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