Oct 13, 2012

It's Time

I'm so excited to announce to you all, the Beautiful Truth is heading toward another 8 week (or more) series starting in January! Woo hoo! Since launching the ministry for the very first time January of 2011 at Columbia Bible College, a lot has changed in my own life personally. My husband and I moved to Bellingham, WA almost exactly a year ago for his job. I've also starting working full time as a receptionist at a real estate company. We are on the hunt for our very first home, which is much easier being that I look at new homes on the market for a job. My brother spent a very long, grueling year and a bit in Afghanistan as a hard working, sleep deprived soldier. It was obviously difficult for him, but also for my family. My baby brother started high school, which means he's growing up! Ahh! We also plugged in full force to a new church in Lynden, City Bible Church and have fallen in love with the vision and the people. It's such an incredible place to be and you are welcome to join!

Aside from all the incredible changes we experienced over the last year, there was a stirring and cooking in my heart for the Beautiful Truth. From the moment the first series ended at CBC, I knew I needed to take some time to evaluate all that was done and experienced. I wanted to take time to get to know people in Bellingham and allow God to bring new friends in my life down here. It's always been my desire to have local women a part of this ministry, so that there could be continuous friendships created. My heart will never forget what was done in Canada with this ministry, for it was the actual beginning! It was the beginning of something great and beautiful. That, I will forever remember.

It was interesting to see who God brought into my life and how there were many similarities to my own dream. Some were there to encourage me to keep dreaming, while others would end up joining my team for the Beautiful Truth 2012. It's incredible! All of them have become good friends, and that's even more wonderful.

I've also been on my own journey this past year in speaking truth into my heart. There were times where the battle to feel beautiful was really strong, and I felt like I couldn't get past this stronghold. It's interesting to see how God takes us on these journey's, where at times you don't struggle at all. Then there's other times where you feel like your running against a wall over and over again. I began to focus to much on losing that 10 lbs I had gained over the last few years, and created an unhealthy mindset. Working full time definitely changed my workout routine, and up until a few months ago, I struggled to enjoy the time I worked out. I didn't want to go to the gym, or if I did I was thinking about losing weight rather than just taking care of my body. I realized this a bit ago after I took a 7 week class on CrossFit. It was incredible to learn how to use my body and weights and be challenged beyond what I ever thought I could do. It was so challenging and so much fun. Yet, I noticed my mindset was a bit off kilter and needed a re-booting. Once I was done with the class, I ended up not continuing Crossfit at the gym because of conflicting schedules. So I worked out at the gym where I live, but was unsatisfied because I no longer had my own personal trainer pushing me harder and harder. I started to think that the only wait to lose 10 lbs was to do the Paleo Diet, and Crossfit. And that's just not true. I took some time to re-evaluate why I wanted to be healthy. I dropped the whole "I want to lose 10 lbs" and changed my way of thinking. I read "Who Switched off my Brain" and realized that God calls us to renew our minds, and that scientifically it's possible! We are able to renew that way we think, and actually take captive our thoughts. Through a 21 day journaling study, you actually renew the way your mind works. It's exactly what I've needed, to break the stronghold of unhealthy thinking and LIVE in God's truth. Crossfit was incredible and I continue to do some of the workouts. I kept a journal of every warm up, work out, stretch, so that I could apply to my own routine after the class. Even though there were some curve balls in relation to my battle to believe TRUTH, I had gained a renewed passion for a healthy lifestyle. That's not something I would ever change.

Through my own journey, as well as conversations I've had with other women in their early 20's, I've added different topics to the Beautiful Truth. I've realized that there are so many other things that we are struggling with, that impact ALL areas of our lives. There's a need to bring God's truth back into our personal lives with friends, guys, sex, beauty, insecurities, fear, lifestyles, struggles with gossip, lust, materialism, YOU NAME IT. Therefore, we're going to talk about it. We're going to dig into the truth of God's word and get rid of the lies we've come to believe. I'm so excited to see freedom come through the conversations we'll have, the challenges, and prayer times. Jason and I have started going to this church called Ekklesia that meets Friday nights. It's filled with about 300 or more young adults ready and willing to worship our God and it's incredible! Every time I'm there, I see so many incredible  young women that just might need to be reminded of God's truth, in a way that isn't necessarily discussed when a bunch of gents are around. I'm believing that God brought me, this ministry, and my team to this area for a reason.

So where do we go now? Basically right now I'm working on branding the Beautiful Truth. I'm also trying to listen to God in a new way because I desire to be mindful of every message I share. It's going to be a fun ride everyone, are you ready for it?

Here's what's coming up....

In December we are doing a fundraiser to get the word out. It will be a dessert night, meant to share my story, as well as a few others. I want to let every person out there who's interested in on what God has in store and what this new series will bring. Keep your eye out for a date for the fundraiser, and a few other things we have planned. Looking forward to seeing your beautiful faces soon!


P.S If you made it through this entire entry, props to you! It was WAY too long my friends:D Thanks for baring with me....

Jan 7, 2012

Oozing Out Joy

Quite a few years ago I was really involved in my youth group at Mt. View Wesleyan Church in Oregon. I had a great core group of friends there and still look back on the many memories made and thank God I had those friends in my life at a time where friends are everything. One of the memories came up in my time with God this morning. I was listening to God is Able by Hillsong, and was overwhelmed by the reality that everything I was believing God for last year, has been fulfilled in ways I could not have even prayed a year ago. I was journaling about all of the specific things that God has done and just could not write fast enough. I was OOZING with joy.

I remember a message Erik Timmons spoke about oozing. His desire was the get us to realize that as Christian's, we are to live out our faith, to live out all that we believe. The work of the Lord is so amazing which means that we should be oozing with absolute joy. I remember him speaking about how he desired for our youth group to be different, to be just bursting with the love of the Lord. Then, the Oozer Times was born. A few of us came up with this "brilliant" idea to call ourselves oozers, and put out a monthly newsletter to the youth group. It's a blast looking back at how God's work spilled out in my life at 14-15-16-17.

Once again I'm overwhelmed with where God has taken me throughout the last few years. Thank you Erik Timmons for having patience with me and the rest of the crew. We were sure crazy, and I am still reminded of the love and joy you and Mary poured into my life. You truly were brought at such a time ordained by God. I want you to never forget what you did in my life, and in Zach's, Jon's, Becky's, Mandee's, Amye's, oh man the list could go on and on. Really though, I'm taking this moment to thank you for EVERY SINGLE THING you did for us. Thank you for being obedient to the calling on your life to lead us for those years. You both directed me towards the cross multiple times. I will be forever thankful. I love you.

Chris Swarty and Rach, you both were like family to me and even though I wasn't involved in youth quite yet, thank you for loving me and allowing me to be apart of your lives. I look at the way you did youth ministry and am still in awe. Being that Jason and I are leading the youth ministry at our church at this time, I find myself looking back at what blessed me at that age. You both demonstrated such open arms it's unbelievable. God has used you to bless more teens than most youth pastors could ever imagine. Thank you for being who you are. I love you.

Jeremy and Wanda, you both came at a time where I was moving out of the youth group, but I want you to know I adored the two of you and saw the gift you both brought to our church. You created an atmosphere of just crazy fun. Yet, you knew how to dig into the word and speak into our hearts. I look forward to listening to you preach again someday, or reading the book you will write. You are brilliant Jeremy, and Wanda, your spirit of peace and joy is contagious. I believe that you are the most incredible Mother to your four girls, and your precious boy that is dancing with Jesus to the curious George theme song. All of us that were touched by your precious boy, will never forget. It brought me such joy to see Carter's smile on your Christmas card. He is still in our hearts as much as he was when he was at our church every Sunday. I miss you guys and pray for you! I still adore you guys!

The last few years have been filled with up's and down's and alllllll around's. Yet each time I take a moment to thank God for all he has done, I am overwhelmed.

Thank you God for all you have done, all I can do is praise you.

He has:
Lead us both to move back to the states and fall in love with an incredible church.
Given us so many opportunities to use our gifts at City Bible Church
Allowed us to mentor and lead the youth ministry that is just beginning
Provided jobs we both just love
The perfect home for us at this time
Brought my soldier back to the states safe and sound
Given me so many wonderful memories with my family
Given a wonderful new family
Provided above and beyond my basic needs
Filled me with hope when I was filled with fear

I'm just thankful and in awe that God has held onto me so strongly. He truly is my love.